We’re committed to making Bodyworks Pilates a safe place to visit.
  • The most common symptoms of Coronavirus are a continuous cough, a loss of sense of smell or taste and/or a high temperature, fever, cold or flu like symptoms. Government guidance is that if you have even one of these symptoms of Coronavirus, however mild you should to stay at home and get a test. If your test comes back positive, someone from the NHS Track and Trace team will get in touch with you. Please do not come to class if you have any Coronavirus symptoms or if you have been in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days.
  • You must understand that it is impossible to eliminate all risk, as COVID-19 can be spread by those showing no symptoms. Please understand that Bodyworks Pilates, Julie Pedrick cannot be held liable should you experience exposure to the virus or any other contagion.

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Covid-19 Studio Procedures
  • All Clients must have completed an enrolment form and the online consent form before they attend class at The Studio.
  • Please only enter the Studio 5 minutes before the class starts, if you arrive early, please wait in your car.
  • Wash or sanitise your hands-on arrival at The Studio. Hand sanitizer gel is available for your use as you enter The Studio itself, please do not use the one in The Belmore Centre reception!
  • We have an NHS Test and Trace QR code up in the Studio. It is optional for you to use this. We have all clients’ details saved through our booking system and take our own registers so will contact you if needs be. You need to download the NHS Test and Trace App if you do wish to check in in this way.
  • Bring only what you need to your Class, depending on the weather, it’s best to leave coats, etc, in your car or at home.
  • Facemasks must be worn to enter and exit the Studio but can be removed during the actual class. WHO and UK Active advise not to wear a facemask during exercise but this is each clients personal preference.
  • All clients must maintain 2 metre social distancing whilst in The Studio.
  • All clients must provide their own mat and Pilates equipment. Please bring equipment in a bag.
  • Clients must go to the mat space designated to them by their instructor as they enter the Studio, this helps us maintain social distancing!

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